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Authors: |
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1. Generals
The manuscript has been neither published nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere. | □ |
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2. First page of the manuscript
The title, author(s)’s name, and current affiliation(s) are written in both Korean and English. | □ |
Abstracts are written in Korean and English. | □ |
Less than 5 keywords in English are listed after the English Abstract. | □ |
Full contact information for the corresponding author is provided at the end of the first page. | □ |
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The caption and content of the figures and tables are labeled and formatted in English. | □ |
All figures and tables are numbered correctly and illustrated in main text. | □ |
Figures and Tables are placed at top or bottom of a page wherever possible. | □ |
4. References
All of the referred literature are arranged at the end of the manuscript in the cited order. | □ |
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All references are written in English. | □ |
The references are properly formatted according to the style of FSE. | □ |
Corresponding Author’s
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