J. Kor. Inst. Fire Sci. Eng. Search


Fire Sci. Eng. > Volume 26(3); 2012 > Article
Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering 2012;26(3):73-78.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7731/KIFSE.2012.26.3.073    Published online June 30, 2012.
화점높이 변화에 따른 메탄올의 소규모 Pool 및 Whirl Fire의 연소특성
호원대학교 소방행정학과
Combustion Characteristics of Pool and Whirl Fire on Methanol by Height of Fire Source using the Small Scale
Park Hyung-Ju
Dept. of Fire Service Administration, Howon Univ.
화점높이 변화에 따른 풀 화재와 회오리 화염의 연소특성을 알아보기 위하여 인화성 액체인 메탄올을 $100{ imes}100{ imes}50$ 크기의 스테인레스 재질의 사각형 용기에 넣고 연소실험을 하였다. 연소시간, 질량감소속도, 화염온도, 화염높이 및 외부로부터 화염으로의 공기유입속도 등을 측정하였으며, 연소시 화염의 거동은 비디오카메라를 이용하였다. 모든 실험결과로부터 화점높이 변화에 따른 연소특성은 풀 화재보다는 회오리 화염에 있어서 더 큰 영향을 준다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
This study is intended to understand flame behavior of pool and whirl fire by height of fire source. Liquid fuel was methanol which is used in many studies for pool and whirl fire. Size of vessel was $100{ imes}100{ imes}50$ and the vessel was made by stainless steel. Combustion time, mass loss rate, flame temperature, flame height and air entrainment rate from the outside to flame were measured, and flame behavior was visualized with video camera. Based on the experiment, it was found that combustion characteristics by height of fire source got a more effect on whirl fire than pool fire.
Key Words: Pool fire, Whirl fire, Height of fire source, Combustion characteristics

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