아니솔의 연소특성치의 측정에 의한 MSDS의 적정성 |
하동명 |
세명대학교 보건안전공학과 |
Appropriateness of MSDS by Means of the Measurement of Combustible Properties of Anisole |
Ha Dong-Myeong |
Dept. of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, Semyung University |
요약 |
아니솔의 안전한 취급을 위해, 폭발한계는 문헌을 통해 고찰하였고, 인화점과 발화지연시간에 의한 발화온도를 측정하였다. 그 결과, 밀폐식 장치에 의한 아니솔의 하부인화점은 $39^{circ}C$와 $42^{circ}C$로 측정되었으며, 개방식에서는 $50^{circ}C$와 $54^{circ}C$로 측정되었다. ASTM E659 장치를 사용하여 자연발화온도와 발화지연시간을 측정하였고, 아니솔의 최소자연발화온도는 $390^{circ}C$로 측정되었다. 측정된 하부인화점에 의한 폭발하한계는 1.07 Vol%로 계산되었다. |
Abstract |
For the safe handling of anisole, this study was investigated the explosion limits of anisole in the reference data. The flash points and auto-ignition temperatures (AITs) by ignition delay time were experimented. The lower flash points of Anisole by using closed-cup tester were experimented in $39^{circ}C$ and $42^{circ}C$. The lower flash points of Anisole by using open cup tester were experimented in $50^{circ}C$ and $54^{circ}C$. This study measured relationship between the AITs and the ignition delay times by using ASTM E659 tester for Anisole. The AIT of Anisole was experimented as $390^{circ}C$. The lower explosion limit (LEL) by the measured the lower flash point for Anisole were calculated as 1.07 Vol%. |
Key Words:
Anisole, Flash point, Explosion limit, Autoignition temperature (AIT), ASTM E659 |