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Fire Sci. Eng. > Volume 30(6); 2016 > Article
Fire Science and Engineering 2016;30(6):84-91.
DOI:    Published online December 31, 2016.
성능위주 소화설비 적용을 위한 표준랙크의 화재확산속도 평가
조규환, 여인환
1한국건설기술연구원 화재안전연구소
2한국건설기술연구원 화재안전연구소
Evaluation on Fire Spread Speed of Standard Rack in Korea for Performance based Fire Extinguishing System
Cho Gyu-Hwan, Yeo In-Hwan
1Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Fire Research Institute
2Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Fire Research Institute
물품이 수직 집약적인 형태로 적재되는 랙크식 창고는 화재발생 시 화염의 급속한 상승으로 인해 그 피해가 매우 심각하다. 이에 ESFR 및 In-Rack 스프링클러, 수직 및 수평차단막 등, 다양한 소화설비 적용을 통해 화재확산 억제에 노력하고 있으나 랙크의 크기 및 적재밀도, 적재물품의 종류 등, 매우 다양한 구성조건으로 인해 적절한 소화설비 선정에 어려움이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현장조사 및 설문조사 등을 통해 국내 랙크식 창고 실정을 반영한 표준랙크를 제작하였으며, 발화위치 조건에 따른 화재특성 확인을 위해 실규모화재시험을 수행하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 화재확산속도는 향후, 개발 및 적용 예정 소화설비들의 성능비교를 위한 기초자료로서 유용하게 활용될 것으로 기대한다.
In case of fire, vertically and intensively loaded rack warehouses are faced with a severe status due to the rapid increase in fires. In this regard, there have been trials to prevent fires from spreading by applying fire extinguishing systems, such as ESFR and In-Rack Sprinklers, vertical and horizontal barriers, etc.; however, it is difficult to calculate and design proper fire extinguishing systems caused by various composition conditions, such as the size and loading density of the rack, types of loading commodities, etc. Therefore, in this study, a standard rack was manufactured, incorporating a rack warehouse in Korea by site investigations, surveys, etc. In addition, a full scale fire test was executed to check the fire characteristics depending on the conditions of the ignition points. As a result, the extracted fire spread speed is expected to be utilized as a reference for performance comparisons of the fire extinguishing systems to be developed and applied in the future.
Key Words: Rack warehouse, Standard rack, Barrier, Fire spread speed, Full scale fire test

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