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Fire Sci. Eng. > Volume 31(5); 2017 > Article
Fire Science and Engineering 2017;31(5):95-106.
DOI:    Published online October 31, 2017.
우리나라 의용소방대의 효율적인 운영에 관한 개선방안 연구
김형도, 이시영
1강원대학교 방재전문대학원
2강원대학교 방재전문대학원
Study of a Improvement Plans about Efficient Operation of Korean Volunteer Fire Departments
Kim Hyeong-Do, Lee Si-Young
1The Professional Graduate School of Disaster Prevention Kangwon National University
2The Professional Graduate School of Disaster Prevention Kangwon National University
본 연구는 2012년부터 2016년까지 5년간의 (구)국민안전처 내부 소방행정자료와 통계연보, (구)소방방재청 통계와 통계청 자료 등을 활용, 우리나라 의용소방대의 소방 활동과 각종 대민봉사 지원활동 전반에 대한 통계분석을 통해 현실적 문제점을 도출하여 개선방안을 모색하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 농촌지역 특성을 고려한 의용소방대 정원관리제도 보완 둘째, 의용소방대 내부적 갈등요인 해소를 위한 교양교육제도 강화 셋째, 의용소방대장 등 관리계층 대원들의 조직운영 리더십 역량강화 넷째, 지역여건에 맞는 의용소방대 교육 훈련제도 확립 다섯째, 의용소방대 대형재난현장 활동 보상제도 개선이다. 본 연구결과는 향후, 우리나라 의용소방대 발전의 기초자료로 활용되기를 기대한다.
This study sought for an improvement plan of overall fire-fighting activities and all kinds of support activities of service for public welfare of Korean Volunteer Fire Departments by utilizing the internal fire administration data and statistical yearbooks of the (Old)Ministry of Public Safety and Security (MPSS), the statistics of the (Old) National Emergency Management(NEMA), and the data of the National Statistical Office (NSO) of 5 years from 2012 to 2016 and drawing the practical problems through the statistical analysis. The results of the study are as follows: First, the quota management system of Volunteer Fire Departments that considers the characteristics of rural areas should be supplemented. Second, the culture and training system to solve internal conflict factors of Volunteer Fire Departments should be strengthened. Third, management members readership competency of operating organizations including volunteer fire marshals should be strengthened. Fourth, the education and training system of Volunteer Fire Departments to satisfy regional conditions should be established. Fifth, the reward system for Volunteer Fire Departments' activities of large disaster sites should be improved. The result of the study will be expected to be utilized as the basic data to develop Korean Volunteer Fire Departments in the future.
Key Words: Volunteer Fire Department, Quota Management, Culture and Training, Leadership, Education, Reward

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