J. Kor. Inst. Fire Sci. Eng. Search


Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering 2004;18(1):13-17.
Published online March 31, 2004.
소방 2급응급구조사의 성인 심폐소생술에 대한 숙련도 분석
1경기도소방학교 교학과2경기도소방학교 교학3한림대학교성심병원 응급의학과
Analysis of Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skill Performed by Emergency Medical Technicians in Fire Department
The purpose of this study is to predict a reasonable direction to design a pertinent educational program in the future by evaluating an adult CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) skill performed by EMTs engaged in fire services organization and comparing the CPR success rate of factors as like a duty place and licensed year. Methods: We studied CPR skill by the use of a CPR manikin(Skillmeter Resusci Annie, Laerdal company). The study population consisted of 320 EMTs. Every EMT performed four cycle after investigating the manikin for 2 minutes. We regarded chest compression with 100 times in a minute as the 100% success rate. We analysed the skill of chest compression, ventilation and chest compression times success rate by the records printed in the CPR paper. Results: The average success rate of chest compression was 59.42$pm$29.26% and ventilation 49.22$pm$29.65%. The success rate of manual CPR was different between chest compression and ventilation. Also the success rate of chest compression times was high relatively as a 87.32$pm$9.14%(p=0.000). For the CPR skill, ventilation was lowest as 49.22%. The factors such as duty place and licensed year did not influence the CPR success rate (p>0.001). Conclusion: We could have conclusion that CPR training should be shared more time in ventilation than in chest compression. Also we could reach to a conclusion that it is important to increase the times of CPR training for improving the accuracy of CPR and that the continuing education of CPR training frequency might be more than four times in a year.
Key Words: EMT, CPR, Skill, Chest compression, Ventilation, Success rate

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