J. Kor. Inst. Fire Sci. Eng. Search


Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering 2011;25(1):7-12.
Published online February 28, 2011.
열분석을 통한 내화 뿜칠재 일치성분석 연구
조남욱, 이동호, 신현준
1한국건설기술연구원2인천대학교 소방방재연구센터3한국건설기술연구원
A Research for Identification Method of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material by Thermal Analysis
Cho Nam-Wook, Rie Dong-Ho, Shin Hyun-Jun
최근 건축물이 고층화 및 대형화됨에 따라 건축물의 주요 구조부 중 기둥과 보를 철근콘크리트가 아닌 철골구조로 많이 시공하고 있다. 건축물의 뼈대가 되는 철골에는 내화피복재를 코팅하여 화재에 견딜 수 있는 구조로 시공한다. 내화시험(실제 규모 화재시험)을 수행하지 않고 현장에 시공된 내화피복재의 성능을 확인할 수 있는 간편한 시험방법의 도입이 필요하다. 본 연구는 내화뿜칠재에 대한 성분분석(기기분석)을 통하여 과학적이며 빠른 분석이 가능한 현장분섭법을 도출하였으며 열분석을 이용하여 내화성능이 확인된 내화뿜칠재의 고유지문영역을 확보하고 이를 표준물질로 Database화하여 현장시공재료에 대한 일치 성분석에 활용 가능함을 실험을 통하여 입증하였다.
As recent buildings are getting more high-rise and larger, steel structures, not a reinforced concrete structure, for columns and beams among the main structural members in a building are being widely used. Steels used for the main members of a building are constructed with a fire-resistive structure by applying them with fire-resistive coatings. The introduction of a simple test method that can verify the performance of fire-resistive material constructed on a site without conducting a fire-resistant test(real scale fire test) is needed and this study derived a site analysis method possible to make a rapid and scientific analysis through the analysis of components (instrumental analysis) concerning tire-resistive materials. the possibility of application of it in analyzing congruence over site construction materials by recognizing it as a standard material after securing an inherent fingerprint area of tire-resistive materials of which performance was verified in the concrete through thermal analysis was proved through experiments. This research result can be minimize of casualties, who is harmed to building collapse according to structures fire.
Key Words: Fire-resistance-structure, Thermal Analysis, Identification method, Sprayed fire-resistive material
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