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Fire Sci. Eng. > Volume 26(4); 2012 > Article
Journal of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering 2012;26(4):63-69.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7731/KIFSE.2012.26.4.063    Published online August 31, 2012.
연소열을 이용한 유기할로겐화탄화수소류의 폭발한계의 예측
세명대학교 보건안전공학과
Prediction of Explosion Limits of Organic Halogenated Hydrocarbons by Using Heat of Combustions
Ha Dong-Myeong
Dept. of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, Semyung University
폭발한계는 가연성물질의 폭발위험성을 결정하는데 중요한 특성치 가운데 하나이다. 본 연구에서는 연소열과 화학양론계수를 이용하여 유기할로겐화탄화수소의 폭발하한계와 상한계를 예측하였다. 제시된 예측식에 의한 폭발한계 값은 문헌값과 적은 오차범위에서 일치하였다. 제시된 방법론을 사용하여 다른 가연성 유기할로겐화탄화수소류의 폭발한계 예측이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
Explosion limit is one of the major combustion properties used to determine the fire and explosion hazards of the flammable substances. In this study, the lower explosion limit (LEL) and upper explosion limit (UEL) of organic halogenated hydrocarbons were predicted by using the heat of combustion and chemical stoichiometric coefficients. The calculated explosion limits by the proposed equations agreed with literature data within a few percent. From the given results, using the proposed methodology, it is possible to predict the explosion limits of the other organic halogenated hydrocarbons.
Key Words: Explosion limit, Heat of combustion, Organic halogenated hydrocarbons

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